Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Agravation in music. Hmm...?

There are some songs and artists that agravate me. Like Justin Bieber. Sometimes songs agravate me because I am agravated ( Like Glee's version of "River Deep, Mountain High".)

Why am I even saying this? Because Celine Dion sang this song at the Oscars called "Smile during the 'In Memoriam' segment.  The song or Celine Dion didn't agravate me. But my favorite Canadian Corey Haim got SNUBBED for the second time in a  row.

Corey Haim 1971-2010

He was first absent during the Screen Actors Guild Awards memorial tribute in January. (Although a longer tribute that included Haim, Lisa Blount, and Corin Redgrave was considered. Unfortualey,the Screen Actors Guild, discarded this package.)
Yup. They went with the shorter pacakge
That's what agravates  me.